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There are different ways to contribute to the CS Demo Manager project.
We appreciate all contributions, large and small.

Help fellow users

Answering a question for a fellow user on GitHub discussions or issues is considered a valuable contribution.

Contribute code

Contributing bug fixes or new features is the most direct form of contribution you can make.
A developer contributing guide is available here, please read it before submitting pull requests.

Bug fixes are welcome at any time.
For new features, it is best to discuss the use case and implementation details first in the discussions.


We are always looking for ways to improve the UI/UX of the application.
If you have any ideas, please share them in the discussions (mockups are welcome).

Translate application

Translation is a great way to contribute to the project.
Translations are managed on Crowdin. You will need a Crowdin account and join the project to contribute.

Translations are synced twice a day with the GitHub repository.

Financial contribution

Financial contributions are welcome - CS:DM is free and open source but it takes time and effort to maintain and improve it.
Thank you for your support!