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Optimizing the database

You can optimize the database (reduce disk usage, query time…) from the application settings.

  1. Go to the application settings
  2. Go to the Database tab
  3. Click on Optimize database button Optimize database
  4. Select what you want to do:
    • Delete positions: This will delete all positions used for the 2D viewer - It strongly reduces disk usage.
    • Delete demos that are not on the filesystem anymore: This will delete demos references in the database only known by the application that doesn't exist on the filesystem anymore.
    • Clear demos cache: This will delete all demos references in the database only known by the application.
  5. Confirm and wait for the process to finish.

Using a remote database

To use a remote database, you have to set the IP address, port, and credentials of the database with the one of your remote database.

If you are already connected to a database, you must first disconnect from it by clicking on the Disconnect button in Settings -> Database.


Only the psql CLI must be installed on your host machine when using a remote database!
If you have a PSQL binary not found error, please follow this guide to install only the psql CLI.

Exporting the database

You can export the database using pg_dump.

pg_dump -h host -p port -U username -d db_name > backup.sql

Example with the default values:

pg_dump -h -p 5432 -U postgres -d csdm > backup.sql

Positions take a lot of space, you can exclude them from the backup using the --exclude-table-data option:

pg_dump -h -p 5432 -U postgres -d csdm --exclude-table-data='*positions*' > backup.sql

See the official documentation for advanced usage.

Importing the database

You can import the database using psql.

psql -h host -p port -U username -d db_name -f backup.sql

Example with the default values:

psql -h -p 5432 -U postgres -d csdm -f backup.sql

You must have created a fresh database before importing it.

  2. CREATE DATABASE db_name;