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Third-party API keys

CS:DM uses API keys shared between all users to retrieve data from third-party HTTP APIs.
These APIs have a rate limit, which means that if too many requests are sent with the same key, the API will return an error (HTTP 529 status code).

You can generate and use custom API keys to avoid this problem.

Using a custom Steam API key

  1. Generate a key from Steam
  2. From the app, go to Settings -> Integrations
  3. Copy/paste your key in the Steam API key text field
  4. Click on Apply
  5. If you don't have any error message, your key will be used for the next requests

Using a custom FACEIT API key

  1. Generate a client side API key from FACEIT
  2. From the app, go to Settings -> Integrations
  3. Copy/paste your key in the FACEIT API key text field
  4. Click on Apply
  5. If you don't have any error message, your key will be used for the next requests